Category Archives: Uncategorized

A small Death korps of Krieg diorama

Just wanted to show of a few WIP shots of a small diorama I´m working on that´s based on WW1. I´m going for a “patrol through No-Mans land”-vibe.


And yes, I do know that the photography is a bit haphazard, but I promise to take better pictures when it´s done!

Spring in Turku

Spring has at last reached us in Turku so we took the opportunity to spend this lovely saturday afternoon in the city centre. We also went shopping at the traditional fish market, where we met some acquaintances of old, reassuring us that the duck pond hasn´t grown.

We started out by leaving our bicycles by the city library, Klara took the opportunity to pose at the staircase. Sadly, the drunkard asleep on the bench below is nowhere to be seen on this photo.

The city is slowy starting to prepare for the summer with the street cafés  setting up buisness.

First stop on our journey was a second-hand dealer close to the library. Lots of goodies to be had here… 🙂

Next stop was the city central market, where Klara bought some flowers (at a suitably high cost..).

We also went for a walk along University street, lots of people out and about there. Here Klara poses for the masses.

The parlimentary elections are coming up this sunday so the candidates are doing their best to get the last few undecided to vote for them.

This is just a somewhat artistic photo of a view from University street so I can justify dragging along my camera.

The fish market was a real hit, as always, being smock full of people and unidentified stenches.

The market stands av viewed from the Aura river, also featured are some people basking in the sun as it was suprisingly warm.

The United Kingdom was well represented at the fish market..

Some local musicists saw fit to add the sound of jungle drums the fish market was sorely lacking, much to the enjoyment of the pedestrians in the vicinity.

Alternative transportation is a big hit in Turku at the moment.